I believe that any Linux or UNIX server should start a very minimal build. Meaning that a server should only have the programs or packages installed that are needed for the operation of the server. To make some of my servers a little more functional I decided to install NFS and automount. This is so users can automount home directories and mount external shares.
Follow the steps below to install NFS and autofs, so you can mount the NFS shares and mount home directories. The example below is on a RHEL 6 server.
To be able to mount NFS share you will need the following packages.

Install the packages
root@server> yum install autofs nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
To enable NFS shares you must add them to the /etc/fstab file. Example below. /export/share nfs noauto,nosuid,nodev,noguid,noxattr,timeout,sloppy 0 0 /export/cifs nfs noauto,nosuid,nodev,noguid,noxattr,timeout,sloppy 0 0
repos:/linux_repos /export/repos nfs auto,ro,nosuid,nodev,noguid,noxattr,timeout,sloppy 0 0 /export/cifs nfs noauto,nosuid,nodev,noguid,noxattr,timeout,sloppy 0 0
repos:/linux_repos /export/repos nfs auto,ro,nosuid,nodev,noguid,noxattr,timeout,sloppy 0 0
To setup the automount funtion you need to edit the auto.home and auto.master files.
Add the hostname or IP address line to /etc/auto.home
Add this line to /etc/auto.master
/export/home /etc/auto.home -nolock,nosuid,noguid,nodev,nobrowse,noxattr --timeout 10
Restart services
root@server> service autofs restart
root@server> service rpcbind start
root@server> service nfs start
root@server> service rpcbind start
root@server> service nfs start
Ensure that autofs starts at boot
chkconfig –list autofs
Make mount points
Make the mount pint for all the mount points listed in the /etc/fstab file..
root@server> mkdir /export/share
root@server> mkdir /export/cifs
root@server> mkdir /export/repos
root@server> mkdir /export/cifs
root@server> mkdir /export/repos
Note- make sure any host names used are added to the /etc/hosts file.
After following the steps above evey should be working. test the configuration by loggingin or becoming a user with a non local home directory. Also try to mount the shares.
root@server> mount /export/share
Check to see if the mount was successful.
root@server> df -h | grep share
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 9.8G 1.9G 7.5G 20% /export/share
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 9.8G 1.9G 7.5G 20% /export/share
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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