When using the Java provided on Oracle's website, they give you a choice of downloading rpm or tar file.
You can download Java here.
Installing Java with using RPM
Find the current version of Java on the system.
root@earth> find / -name java -type f
Note If you use which or java -version commands to find Java on you system. This will only show your the system's main java. You may have additional versions installed.
Now take each line of output and paste it at the end of this command. This gives you the name of the rpm package that installed this file and version of Java.
root@earth> rpm -qf /usr/java/jre1.7.0_55/bin/java
Uninstall the old package.
root@earth> rpm -e jre-1.7.0_55-fcs
Note- Do not run the above command for java that is part of an application. If the file was in /usr/bin/ you should be fine.
Install Java
root@earth> rpm -ivh jre-7u65-linux-x64.rpm
You can alternately upgrade Java instead.
root@earth> rmp -Uvh jre-7u65-linux-x64.rpm
Install Java using a tar file
Change directory to where Java is going to be installed. Usually it will be /user/java.
root@earth> cd /usr/java
Move the tar file to /usr/java.
Unpack the tarball and install Java
root@earth> tar zxvf jre-7u65-linux-i586.tar.gz
Delete the tar file after you test Java and your done.
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Access the Java Control Panel
Updating Java on Solaris
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