I found some free training on Cryptocurrency or Blockchain technology. This training is from the people who bought us the Ethos wallet. Go to there site and checkout there free wallet and training.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Tape Format Script for Tape Pickup
The other day my co-worker showed me how to send our tapes offsite. Apparently you need to format the list of tapes in a certain way. So you can input the info to the Iron Mountain site for pickup. He was going though several steps to change the format in Excel. I told myself there has to be a better way, so wrote a script shown below.
First you need to put all the tapes in a list. I put the tape list in the file called list shown in the example below. Then I run the script, I created (tape-input.sh). I take the output and paste it into the web portal.
U00030L5 CAT
U00030L5 CAT
# Created to format the tapes numbers to add to the web portal
echo -e "Packaged by man, $(date|awk '{print $2" "$3" "$6}')"
cat list |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g'| perl -pe 's{,}{++$n % 3 ? $& :"\n"}ge'
# Created to format the tapes numbers to add to the web portal
echo -e "Packaged by man, $(date|awk '{print $2" "$3" "$6}')"
cat list |sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g'| perl -pe 's{,}{++$n % 3 ? $& :"\n"}ge'
man@earth> ./tape-input.sh
Packaged by man, Dec 13 2018
U00010L5, U00011L5, U00012L5
U00013L5, U00014L5, U00015L5
U00016L5, U00017L5, U00018L5
U00019L5, U00020L5, U00021L5
U00022L5, U00023L5, U00024L5
U00025L5, U00026L5, U00027L5
U00028L5, U00029L5, U00030L5 CAT
I take the output and paste it into the Iron Mountain web portal for pickup.Packaged by man, Dec 13 2018
U00010L5, U00011L5, U00012L5
U00013L5, U00014L5, U00015L5
U00016L5, U00017L5, U00018L5
U00019L5, U00020L5, U00021L5
U00022L5, U00023L5, U00024L5
U00025L5, U00026L5, U00027L5
U00028L5, U00029L5, U00030L5 CAT
I hope this helps someone out. If you have any questions please ask below.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Fix RPM Database finding for UEFI file types
I ran into an issue the other day when was hardening a server. I couldn't change the file permissions on a few files to what the RPM database says is the default. This was in regard to the /boot/efi files or UEFI file types.
This is the check: rpm -Va
The security rule: RHEL-07-010010 "The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that the file permissions, ownership, and group membership of system files and commands match the vendor values." Basically the the check is to ensure the files have the default file permissions or less.
Also works for Red Hat 6
RHEL-06-000516, RHEL-06-000517, RHEL-06-000518, RHEL-06-000519
The Fix
Add the line below to /etc/fstab
Unmount and mount /boot/efi
Some other reference materials.
Could not change permission for /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.conf
Why do /boot/efi content always show up in rpm -Va output in UEFI enabled system?
How to lookup UUIDs
This is the check: rpm -Va
The security rule: RHEL-07-010010 "The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that the file permissions, ownership, and group membership of system files and commands match the vendor values." Basically the the check is to ensure the files have the default file permissions or less.
Also works for Red Hat 6
RHEL-06-000516, RHEL-06-000517, RHEL-06-000518, RHEL-06-000519
The Fix
Add the line below to /etc/fstab
UUID=#### /boot/efi vfat umask=0177,shortnames=winnt 0 0
Unmount and mount /boot/efi
root@earth> umount /boot/efi
root@earth> mount /boot/efi
root@earth> mount /boot/efi
Some other reference materials.
Could not change permission for /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.conf
Why do /boot/efi content always show up in rpm -Va output in UEFI enabled system?
How to lookup UUIDs
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Six Fee Computer Books
I like getting free stuff, so when I got and email from Jason Cannon and his website Linux Training Academy I had to share it. Jason Cannon is offering six of his books for free through Amazon.com until this Saturday. To get the books you need an Amazon account with the US or UK store. The books are in the kindle format, which can be read on your computer or tablet if you don't have a kindle.
These books are absolutely free! Just click on the book to download it from Amazon's US store. Use this link for Amazon's UK store.
Prices of the print versions
$24.99 Linux for Beginners
$24.99 Linux Administration
$14.99 Shell Scripting
$14.99 Command Line Kung Fu
$19.99 High Availability for the LAMP Stack
$24.99 Python Programming for Beginners
$124.94 Total savings
I found out about this because I'm on a mailing list that Jason Cannon and his site put out. Further instructions on how to get the free books can be found on his website.
If your looking for more free books checkout my other posts:
Free Python Books
Free Books
These books are absolutely free! Just click on the book to download it from Amazon's US store. Use this link for Amazon's UK store.

Prices of the print versions
$24.99 Linux for Beginners
$24.99 Linux Administration
$14.99 Shell Scripting
$14.99 Command Line Kung Fu
$19.99 High Availability for the LAMP Stack
$24.99 Python Programming for Beginners
$124.94 Total savings
I found out about this because I'm on a mailing list that Jason Cannon and his site put out. Further instructions on how to get the free books can be found on his website.
If your looking for more free books checkout my other posts:
Free Python Books
Free Books
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Remotely Login & Run Commands on ILOMs
Logging into Oracle's Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) to get info can be a real pain, so I wrote this script to do it for me. Normally one would use use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) or Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), but due to security concerns I was not able to use either of these options. Even with the latest firmware installed the ILOMs would not support modern security practices. So I was forced to find anther way. I needed to write a script that would wait for a prompt and then fill it in for me. Expect an extension to the Tcl scripting language is great for this kind of stuff, but I decided to use HERE which is even easier.
In order to make this work I created the user mancnt on the local system and on all the ILOMs. I also created a SSH key and setup an SSH agent on the local system and then I copied the key over to the ILOMs. If you don't know how to setup SSH keys check out my last post on how to do it "A Better Way to Setup SSH Keys". You will also need a file containing the hostnames of the ILOMs you want access. In the example script below I use two such files, lsILOMb and lsILOMc, one for the blades and one for the chassis.
So the script generates a comma-separated values (CVS) file, which contains the IP address, MAC address, OS, and hostname. I then give this file to the network security people.
Example output:,00:10:e0:40:c2,Embedded Linux,server-ilom
If you have any questions feel free to ask them below.
In order to make this work I created the user mancnt on the local system and on all the ILOMs. I also created a SSH key and setup an SSH agent on the local system and then I copied the key over to the ILOMs. If you don't know how to setup SSH keys check out my last post on how to do it "A Better Way to Setup SSH Keys". You will also need a file containing the hostnames of the ILOMs you want access. In the example script below I use two such files, lsILOMb and lsILOMc, one for the blades and one for the chassis.
# This section is for the ILOM blades
ssh $1 2>/dev/null <show /SP/network macaddress
# This section is for the ILOM Chassis
ssh $1 2>/dev/null <show /CMM/network macaddress
# To get IP address from hostname
ping -c1 $1 |grep PING|awk '{print $3}'|sed -e 's/(//' -e 's/)//'
# Main section
ps aux|grep manacnt|grep -v grep |grep agent &>/dev/null || echo "Need to have an agent running"
# Section for ILOMs on Oracle Blades
for s in $(cat lsILOMb)
do echo -e "$(Ping-to-IP $s),$(HERE-ILOM $s),Embedded Linux,$s"
# Section for ILOMs on Oracle Chassis
for s in $(cat lsILOMc)
do echo -e "$(Ping-to-IP $s),$(HERE-ILOMc $s),Embedded Linux,$s,FALSE,ILOM,N611"
# This section is for the ILOM blades
ssh $1 2>/dev/null <
# This section is for the ILOM Chassis
ssh $1 2>/dev/null <
# To get IP address from hostname
ping -c1 $1 |grep PING|awk '{print $3}'|sed -e 's/(//' -e 's/)//'
# Main section
ps aux|grep manacnt|grep -v grep |grep agent &>/dev/null || echo "Need to have an agent running"
# Section for ILOMs on Oracle Blades
for s in $(cat lsILOMb)
do echo -e "$(Ping-to-IP $s),$(HERE-ILOM $s),Embedded Linux,$s"
# Section for ILOMs on Oracle Chassis
for s in $(cat lsILOMc)
do echo -e "$(Ping-to-IP $s),$(HERE-ILOMc $s),Embedded Linux,$s,FALSE,ILOM,N611"
So the script generates a comma-separated values (CVS) file, which contains the IP address, MAC address, OS, and hostname. I then give this file to the network security people.
Example output:,00:10:e0:40:c2,Embedded Linux,server-ilom
If you have any questions feel free to ask them below.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Free Python Books
Hello, I ran across some free books on Python and I thought I would share them with you. These books are written by Al Sweigart, who has made the books available under the Creative Commons License. So the books are free and legal for you to read and download. Click on the image of the book to go to the site hosting the free book.
The link below is the main site the books are on and there are also some free videos. There is also some online courses as well.
You can also get some free Python from Amazon as well. Use this link, to to see a list of Python books sorted by price, from low to high. These are kindle books that can also be read online with the kindle cloud player, if you don't have a kindle.
The link below is the main site the books are on and there are also some free videos. There is also some online courses as well.

You can also get some free Python from Amazon as well. Use this link, to to see a list of Python books sorted by price, from low to high. These are kindle books that can also be read online with the kindle cloud player, if you don't have a kindle.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
(Updated) Free Cryptocurrency Payed Directly to Your Wallet
There are many sites that offer free cryptocurrency. Many of these sites are called faucets. Faucet websites give tiny amounts of cryptocurrency in exchange for showing you adds. The main purpose of faucets is to promote the coin there offering. Many of these faucets make you come back repeatedly before you can withdraw the funds to your cryptocurrency wallet. I have found some faucets that payout immediately to your wallet, no more waiting. Using these websites will not make you rich, but free money is free money and the ads on the sites I'm showing are not excessive.
So far I have only found a few faucets that pay directly to your wallet. If you know of any addition faucets please post them below.
This is an update to this blogs previous Free Cryptocurrency Payed Directly to Your Wallet post. There are a few faucets from the previous post that are no longer working, but perhaps in the future they will work again. The Most of the Waves coin faucets are the still working. I have added more faucets to this list, which include new faucets for these coins: ZenCash, Minexcoin, Denarius, and Bitcoin Green.
ZenCash (ZEN)
ZEN is a major coin so getting coins coins from a ZEN cash faucet is a big deal.
This faucet pays from 50000 to 150000 Satoshis every 20 hours. The only issue is that now you need to have an account on the site and that is a real pain.
Link to the ZEN web wallet: https://myzenwallet.io/
Waves (WAVES)
The Waves faucets are managed by the Waves stacking or mining pools. This is to promote the Waves coin and to encourage you to lease Waves coins with them. One interesting thing about the Waves coin is that it is a Proof of Stake (PoS) coin, meaning that holding the waves coin in the Waves wallet will earn you more Waves coin. But unlike other POS coins you can only stake by leasing the coin out hte coin to the pool.
You will get some Waves coins and the option to get some random tokens. This faucet can be used every hour per IP address.
You will get some Waves coins and the option to get some random tokens. This faucet can be used every hour per IP address.
You will get some Waves coins and the option to get some random tokens, usually Mercury (MER) tokens. This faucet can be used every hour per IP address.
Link to the Waves web wallet: https://wavesplatform.com/
The Waves wallet is a multi coin wallet and has a built in exchange.
MinexCoin (MNX)
The coin also has a banking feature called "MinexBank"where you can earn interest by "parking" there coins.
This faucet pays out every 6 hours. This is tracked via your IP address. There are no ads on the site and the payout is really fast. One nice feature of the coin is that you can park it and earn interest.
MNX doesn't have a web wallet, so you will have to install a client on your computer.
Denarius (DNR)
This coin can be mined (POW) and staked (POS) and the coins can be put into a Master Node.
This faucet pays out 0.002 every 24 hours. The site seems to track your withdraw from the faucet via your router's IP address and not your wallet address. The site also works through a VPN. There are no ads at the monument.
One easy way to get a DNR wallet is by joining their Discord. If you chose to use the wallet from there Discord server beware the address changes, so check it before you use the faucet. If you are active on the Denarius Discord server they sometimes payout free coins to there members, this is commonly called rain. I was able to get 10 coins on the coins birthday, which I put in a shared Master Node. Click on the word Discord for the Discord invite.
The Coinomi wallet supports this coin, and you can get it for your android or apple device.
Bitcoin Green (BITG)
This is a Proof of Stake (PoS), so if you stack the coin it will earn you more coins.
This faucet is often always dry. You can claim every 12 hours.
They have wallets you can install on your computer.
Faucets listed below have stopped working but might come back in the future.
Bytecoin (BCN)
The Bytecoin faucet was managed by bytecoin.org the developers and maintainers of Bytecoin.
faucet can be used once an hour per IP address. They have recently
switched to a manually payout system so you will not get the BCN
instantly. You will however get the payout in a timely manner.Freebytecoin
This was the best and most reliable Waves faucet, when it was working. In the past you got some
Waves coins as well as some WavesGo (WGO) tokens. This faucet used work once hour, per wallet address. Did at one time work though a VPN.
Remember this will not a get rich, so don't put a lot of effort into getting the coins. Faucets are just meant to promote the coin. Many coins are switching to Airdrops as there main way to promote a their coin. Sometimes the faucets will stop working or are under maintenance, so if it is not working try again later. I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions or comments please post them below. If you know of any faucets that payout to your wallet, and are not to a site connected CoinPot or Faucet Hub, please let me know.
Wallet Tip
Use a webwallet if you don't have many coins that are worth a lot of money. If you start to collect a lot of valuable crypto then switch to client wallet or a hardware wallet. If you end up needing to install the a lot of client wallets on your computer. Then install it on a external or removable storage device, because some of these wallets can get very big and and take a lot of space on your local hard drive. If you fill up your hard drive your computer, the computer can get slower or even crash (stop working).
My ZenCash wallets address
My Waves wallet address
My Minexcoin wallet address
My Bytecoin wallet address
Friday, June 22, 2018
How to setup Claymore on EthOS
Today I’m showing you how to setup the Claymore dual miner on EThOS. Ethos is Linux based operating system specially designed to mine cryptocurrency. In the examples we are going to dual mine Callisto (CLO) and SmartCash (SMART), but Claymore can be used to mine any number of coins. The reason I make this video was because EthOS has changed the what configuration files you can use. The local.conf or remote.conf files are still the most important files for mining on EthOS, but we used to be able to supplement these files with stub files. I go over the new way to do things now that the stub files are no longer an option. Now we have to use the flags option to this in local.conf. I also go over some advanced settings.
Below I have included the a copy of the file I used in the video. Remember to replace my info with your info.
Example files Local.conf
globalminer claymore
stratumproxy enable
proxywallet 0x33496bf2654acbdbe501accc9393790707e89ad3
proxypool1 stratum+tcp://lb.geo.callistopool.eu:8001
poolpass1 x
proxypool2 stratum+tcp://clopool.pro:2561
poolpass2 x
dualminer enabled
dualminer-coin keccak
dualminer-wallet SaMXJJ4CjFRDVwJceAEQfE2QfUMKuRpiGt
dualminer-poolpass1 x
claymore=flags -eworker trio -dcri 8,8,8 -colors 1 -allpools 1
To add failover pools for the 2nd coin edit this file: /opt/miners/claymore/dpools.txt
Links to more info
Main Page http://ethosdistro.com/
EthOS knowledge base http://ethosdistro.com/kb/
SmartCash (SMART) https://smartcash.cc/
Callisto (CLO) https://callisto.network/
Friday, May 18, 2018
Turn a list into a CSV file
Hello today I'm showing you two simple ways to turn a list into a comma separated (CSV) output. This is helpful if you need to import the output into a spreadsheet. You can do this one of two ways, with a BASH for loop or with SED.
We are going to use list.txt which is a small list of solar objects for this example.
BASH Script
SED Script
As you can see the SED statement is much shorter.
I hope someone out there finds this useful. If you have any questions or comments please post them below.
We are going to use list.txt which is a small list of solar objects for this example.
BASH Script
for s in $(cat list.txt)
do echo -en "$s, "
-note - if you don't want spaces or commas use "$s" insteaddo echo -en "$s, "
man@earth> ./BASHscript
earth, moon, mars, venus, saturn,
earth, moon, mars, venus, saturn,
SED Script
cat list.txt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g'
As you can see the SED statement is much shorter.
man@earth> ./SEDscript
earth, moon, mars, venus, saturn,
earth, moon, mars, venus, saturn,
I hope someone out there finds this useful. If you have any questions or comments please post them below.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Free Books
We all love free stuff, right? So in this post I list some sites that I found that offer free books. It is also important to protect the rights of content creators, so I'm only listing free books that are totally legal to download. If you know of any sites that offer free books please provide a link in the comments below.
Free Novels
Free Books from publisher BAEN
Lots of totally free books books on the BAEN website from may different publishers and genre types.
Free public domain audio books. These books are several different languages. Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project. They get most of their texts from Project Gutenberg, and the Internet Archive hosts their audio files (for free!).
Project Gutenberg
This a site that hosts free ebooks in many in the public domain. They also have ebooks in several different languages
Verkaro Audiobooks
This site has many free audio books. they used to be called LiteralSystems.org. The books span many different genre.
This site has over 33,000 eBooks to choose from. These books are in many different genres.
Internet Archive
This site is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
"BookBub features limited-time offers for the best free books in over twenty genres, from both top-tier publishers and critically-acclaimed independent authors. These free ebooks are available on all devices, including Kindle, Nook, iPad, and Android. Check out some of our current selections" - https://www.bookbub.com
Believe it or not, Google has a lot of free books on there site. Though some of the books are just excerpts of books for sale.
Free IT text books
DevOps books
This is a absolutely free collection of free It professionals or people who want to get into IT.
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Free technical books and lectures in PDF form.
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Safari books online is the place to get Oreilly IT books. It is not exactly free, but you can get a free trail.
I hope this info will hope some get some free and legal books. Don't forget there is also the public library. Please fee free to post any additional info on free and legal books below in the comments.
Free Novels
Free Books from publisher BAEN
Lots of totally free books books on the BAEN website from may different publishers and genre types.
Free public domain audio books. These books are several different languages. Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project. They get most of their texts from Project Gutenberg, and the Internet Archive hosts their audio files (for free!).
Project Gutenberg
This a site that hosts free ebooks in many in the public domain. They also have ebooks in several different languages
Verkaro Audiobooks
This site has many free audio books. they used to be called LiteralSystems.org. The books span many different genre.
This site has over 33,000 eBooks to choose from. These books are in many different genres.
Internet Archive
This site is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
"BookBub features limited-time offers for the best free books in over twenty genres, from both top-tier publishers and critically-acclaimed independent authors. These free ebooks are available on all devices, including Kindle, Nook, iPad, and Android. Check out some of our current selections" - https://www.bookbub.com
Believe it or not, Google has a lot of free books on there site. Though some of the books are just excerpts of books for sale.
Free IT text books
DevOps books
This is a absolutely free collection of free It professionals or people who want to get into IT.
Free PDF Books
Free technical books and lectures in PDF form.
Safari Books Online
Safari books online is the place to get Oreilly IT books. It is not exactly free, but you can get a free trail.
I hope this info will hope some get some free and legal books. Don't forget there is also the public library. Please fee free to post any additional info on free and legal books below in the comments.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Free Dev Ops Tech Books
Below is a link for some free to some free IT books. Just go to the link and pick the book or books you want and down load the PDF. Feel free to share and read.
Free Dev Ops Books
Free Dev Ops Books
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